Well, yesterday concluded the last FULL week of my Freshmen year at Lipscomb. That’s a bit surreal. It’s finally hitting me that this year is almost over, and all the friends I’ve met will be heading home for the summer…some to graduate (I don’t even want to think about that yet!) 🙁 some to transfer, most to come back thankfully. But it’s still weird,being with these people for nearly a year and then we up and leave. All I can say is thank God for cell phones and facebook! ; )
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I spent all afternoon yesterday making a Pinterest board for stuff to do this summer. This beats a 12pg paper any day! |
That hasn’t been on my mind as much of the fact that...IT’S ALMOST SUMMER, Y’ALL! I mean, let’s be honest-it’s felt like summer since March around here. But the fact is, in less than 2 weeks, I’ll be home, with my Mommy, dogs, home cooked food and best friends. No work to do, papers to write, tests to study for. For 3 months. Can I get an amen?! I’m ready for adventures with my friends before they embark on their college careers (though I’m not quite ready yet to see my best friend graduate high school…I can’t stomach that just yet!).
This is all that’s been on my mind for over a week! Papers and research and portfolios can wait. (Except not really, but again, I digress). I have thought of nothing else than being at home. I am so beyond homesick. I know after a week of being home I’ll probably rethink this, but honestly right now I don’t care! I wanna be home soo bad. I can’t wait for a /little/ taste of home happening in the next few days. Starting with tomorrow, when (fingers crossed) my Mommy’s coming to see me!! I will be such a happy girl if she can get down here. It’s easier for her to come see me than me go home for just two days. It’s just too much of an ordeal. I honestly feel like if she comes tomorrow I may cry and beg her to take me home! (okay I’m not that bad off here, but seriously, I’m ready to be home!)
Secondly, on dead day (study day) the Mt. Juliet Choirs will be on campus for State Festival! Can you guess who’s excited to see her choir friends and choir director? This kid! Studying can wait, without a doubt. ; )
Thirdly, I’m going next Friday after my 3 finals (yes, 3 out of the FIVE I have are the same day. Thankfully all 3 are turning papers in.) to babysit two of my favorite kiddos in MJ! I can’t wait to see all my babies this summer to babysit! It’s one of my favorite things to do. : P
Summer’s almost here, but in my mind, it’s already here and ready to go! Just gotta keep going for a few more days, then I’m home free! Yippeeeee!