Linking up with FMF again. It’s been awhile! Missed last week cause I was on a megabus to Chicago (another story for another day) but I loved the prompt, SEASON, so here we go:
When life gives you lemons,
we make lemonade,
as the saying goes.
But what do you do
when life
gives more than a lemon?
When life gives you foiled plans,
broken dreams,
unanswered prayers–
What do we make out of them?
When the seasons change
from summer breezes
to falling Autumn leaves
to Winter chills
and Christmas thrills–
everything has a season. Everything has a place.
Until it doesn’t.
So, what do we do
when the seasons change
but we stay stagnant,
afraid of the future our plans gave way to?
What do we do
when life gives us more
than we ever imagined
and we don’t know what to do with it?
Seasons change.
Life gives us seasons– to mourn,
to dance,
to love, to die.
Scripture tells us
everything has a season.
Everything has something it can be reasoned to,
an explanation
or something to be made from it.
But life, it seems,
doesn’t always show us
how to move with the seasons unexpected,
how to make lemonade out of something other than a lemon.
What do we do
when we don’t know what to do?
How can we change with the seasons
if we don’t know what season we’re in?
This is a bit scattered, but it’s been in my brain awhile. Seasons are so weird to me– it’s supposed to be this period of time where things change yet stay the same, then off to the next one. Basically, I’m stuck in this in-between season where I don’t know how to change, yet can’t stay where I’m at.
Basically, I don’t know what season I’m in. I don’t know what to do next.
I just hope something will come around and help me figure it out.
Loved your post, Jordan! Prayers as you figure out what season you’re in.
Oh my gosh, Jordan…your post got me this week. I didn’t read it until after I wrote mine (like the white rabbit I’m running dreadfully late late late), but it really goes hand-in-hand with mine. Sweetie, you’re gonna be fine. Don’t you for one minute doubt that God has a plan for your life. I have a feeling the upcoming seasons of your life will be your very best!!! Hugs!
Lynette (#96)