
it just doesn’t make sense.

My heart just won’t quick hurting.

I’ve been in a state of on and off tears all day. All I want to do is scream.

These kind of tragedies just don’t make any damn sense.

It leaves us with too many questions and not enough answers.

20 children. CHILDREN. Gone.  Small precious lives, that just went to school like on any other day, and will never come home. My heart is broken. And 11 Days before Christmas. Wow.

 We have had too many of these shootings this year. But this one…just rocked me to the core. It doesn’t matter if I knew these children or not…but they’re still children. And that upsets me more than anything.

All I keep asking is why? WHY? WHY?

As a babysitter/ lover of children, all I want to do is hug the sweet babies close to me. I just can’t fathom    this happening to a child I love and care for. Let alone 20.

As a future teacher, it scares me that someone could enter a school/classroom and do what happened here today.

As a daughter of the King, I can’t help but feel sad, confused, and angry. Thankful for me, the God we serve can handle all of that.

So many things like this that happen that I just want to ask God about. Really, I just want to scream it from the rooftops. Why can this happen? How does this happen? Who could allow such a tragedy to happen?
 I know it’s not His doing, but I still don’t understand how. I just can’t help but question and get angry when something so tragic happens to innocent people, especially innocent children.

I just DON’T GET IT. But God doesn’t promise we’re gonna get it. He promises that He’s going to bring us through, even when we don’t understand.

It just sucks. I hate not knowing, not understanding the things that happen in this world (good and bad). It makes me so ridiculously upset knowing that things like this can happen and we have no reason or understanding.

Here’s one thing I DO know:
1. There is a God.
2. I AM NOT HIM. (tough pill to swallow at times!)
3. After the events of today, I am glad I’m not Him, because I’m pretty sure lots of people are demanding answers and understandings we cannot fully know.

All I can understand right now: God is here. He will bring peace and comfort. We may not understand why things happen, but He will get us through.

Father God, please hold the people of Newtown, Connecticut in Your arms tonight. Please lift up the families of the 27 lost, especially the parents of the 20 children that lives were cut way too short. Please give us as Your children peace and comfort to know that even in the chaos, in the tragedy and loss You are still present and will never leave our sides. Even though we can’t understand this situation, we will trust that You will bring us comfort and hope to get through this storm.

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