This is a post in my 31 Days series. Don’t know what that means? Go here!
Today’s 31 days prompt is technically laugh, but I’m switching it with the FMF prompt for today so i’m not writing twice. Cause I’m sick with a cold and lazy today. 😉
The prompt: Green.
This isn’t odd at all, guys. #sarcasm
The Eternal is my shepherd, He cares for me always.
2 He provides me rest in rich, green fields
beside streams of refreshing water.
He soothes my fears;
3 He makes me whole again,
steering me off worn, hard paths
to roads where truth and righteousness echo His name.
4 Even in the unending shadows of death’s darkness,
I am not overcome by fear.
Because You are with me in those dark moments,
near with Your protection and guidance,
I am comforted.
5 You spread out a table before me,
provisions in the midst of attack from my enemies;
You care for all my needs, anointing my head with soothing, fragrant oil,
filling my cup again and again with Your grace.
6 Certainly Your faithful protection and loving provision will pursue me
where I go, always, everywhere.
I will always be with the Eternal,
in Your house forever. (Psalm 23, The Voice)
This Psalm has been very prevalent in my life lately. I don’t know why-it’s never been particularly a favorite (I associate it with funerals for some reason?), but the words lately keep popping into my head. I feel like I could write a whole post about this psalm right now. But, particularly these lines are prevalent for today:
He lies me down in green pastures;
He restores my soul. Psalm 23:2

When I think of green, I think of nature. And, of the peace it brings me.
Despite having every reason to hate nature (severe seasonal/pollen allergies, asthma, and an allergy to mosquitoes) I love spending time outside. Hiking (to an extent!), walking, just sitting and breathing it in. Life feels calmer when I step outside.
I feel like I can exhale when I am beyond the buildings and lights in the city. The stars, the air, the flowers, the green-ness– it’s all very important to me.
When I think of green, I think of restoring myself. Time outside is a reset button for me– a time to really let my self rest and be still for a bit. I think of sitting outside, just still, listening to God. He makes more sense when away from the distractions indoors.
As the voice version of this psalm (posted above!) says, it gives me space to feel whole again.
Away from the chaos, the to-do lists, the noise and distractions. Green brings a breath of fresh air into my lungs.
In nature, I feel myself become closer to God.
I need to lie in green pastures with God more often– because restoration is a need in this season of life.
i feel like lately my posts have become sponsored by jon foreman… sorry, not sorry. His words just scream at me for some reason right now. Funny story about this song: he did this song as apart of his encore set. It required a female duet partner-so he chose a random girl in the crowd. the girl got up there and blew the crowd away– it was fantastic.
Shepherd-Brave New World (this one too–I love it)
THIS: “I need to lie in green pastures with God more often– because restoration is a need in this season of life.” Yes indeed. Psalm 23 is used often at funerals but as you point out here, it is so much more than that.
Green and nature. God’s creation. I had a meandering time getting started too on my writing, but I think I ended up where God wanted me. You did too. Thanks for sharing the great song!
I have always loved this Psalm and as much as I would NOT describe myself as an outdoorsy type – I, too, must find myself sitting outside or going for a walk, simply breathing in fresh air and blue skies! My name actually means “a resting place beside water” so I breathe this Psalm in as if it is a part of me! (And Brave New World? Oh my… right? LOL! Lately, my posts have all been ‘sponsored’ by Amanda Cook!